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Removing/refitting engine 
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Part built GTM

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Post Removing/refitting engine
Well the engine is currently out of the car, but it was an absolutely pain getting it out due to lack of space. Ended up taking the clutch cover off.

What is the correct procedure of getting it in and out? Are there any special lifting brackets about to hold the engine at the correct angle?

Thanks Tom

Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:04 pm
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Post Re: Removing/refitting engine
You can get engine levellers to use with the engine hoist.

You can make one from plans, if you have the facilities.

Not sure about the Rossa,but on the coupe its easier to raise/lower the bodywork over the engine and subframe.

Attach the hoist to the rear of the frame, unbolt the subframe and lift it clear.

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Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:31 pm
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Post Re: Removing/refitting engine
First off welcome to the forum :mrgreen:  :mrgreen: , don't be unsure of posting odd questions :lol: On to your question (this is for the Coupe ONLY NOT a Rossa)..... When removing the engine I'm sure many of us by now have cut the 1 inch box that sits above the flywheel housing off :shock:  and made a new one that bolts back in place :wink:  this way you can take the engine out the top :wink: Remove the inlet/exhaust, alternator, dizzy, clutch slave :wink: alternativley you can drop the whole lot out the bottom. this is a bit of a chore though as 1. it's very very heavy in one large lump..2.  it's a nightmare to line up when going back in..3. you'll have to of course reset all the tracking ect.. But each to their own, which ever you decide on enjoy and hope to see you at a show soon :mrgreen: 

THE WORLD'S FASTEST 'A' SERIES COX GTM Standing 1/4 Mile in....13.502 @115mph MITP 08

Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:00 am
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Post Re: Removing/refitting engine
I found removal with the subframe straightforward and you don't need a hoist either :D Access to the bolts in the rear turrets is a pain but you can make life a lot easier by cutting access holes and fitting hatches as shown in one of the photos on the link below. The hatches are around 100mm diameter, are meant for a boat (!) and I got them on ebay. The other awkward point is the lower subframe bolts which are hard to access because they are hidden low down behind the black interior liner thingy. If you go down this route have the nuts welded to spreader washers and attach the washers to the tub with a self tapper or two and you have captive nuts so it'll be much easier next time :mrgreen:

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Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:03 pm
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Post Re: Removing/refitting engine
hey welcome along tom

this is the fella who bought my gtm off me...

Dont you Think Its Amazing that Buildings Cant Move But Can Sit Perfectly Still, Yet Humans Can Move And Cant Sit Perfectly Still??

Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:08 pm
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Part built GTM

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Post Re: Removing/refitting engine
Thanks for the help guys.

Will start a build thread with a few pics.

Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:50 pm
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Post Re: Removing/refitting engine
On a rossa mkii you can lift the engine unit out in one go, I removed the alternator, starter and distributor, carb and exhaust manifold off. Remove the bonnet hinges too.

Bit of a fiddle, more of a fiddle to get back in but a bit of wiggling and twisting - defo a 2 man job - it went back in. I must admit that it did have us scratching our heads for a while but we knew it had come out that way so it had to go back :mrgreen:

In my opinion easier than bleeding the brakes and worrying about suspension alignment - not to mention that the hardtop, roll bar and fiberglass 'rearseat' moulding needs to come out to get at the subframe mounting bolts.



Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:42 pm
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